Intuitive Massages
All Josy's massages are Intuitive based, by fusing the healing touch with phychic channeling the massage takes an holistic approach to a higher level of awareness. She taps into the core of the problem and provides a mini reading during or after the treatment with interpersonal insights. This reduces stress on the body, mind and spirit, leaving you feeling empowered.
Josy's style of massages are unique as they are intuitively tailored to your needs on the day and on each visit, you will never get the same massage twice. .
Josy's treatments are Mother Earth friendly, only natural, organic and chemical free products and supplies are used. Everything in the practice is green friendly and hypoallergenic- providing a safe, comfortable environment for your healing experience.
This is Josy's phylosophy:
- The mind does not exist solely within the body-
- The mind is encoded with thoughts, feelings and memories.
- Our thoughts are determined by our predominant patterns of behavior -physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
- Emotional, mental and spiritual tension will in time "condense" and solidify into physical tension and disease.
- Healing is a process to restore good health.
Her treatments are powerful and caring where you can awaken the body's own natural potential to regenerate, recover and repair and bring awareness to the mind and soul. However, clients must feel empowered to be active participants in their own recovery, rather than passive recipients.
The Intuitive Massage include:
Medical Rebate also available from most health funds.